And ye shall go forth in the power of my spirit, preaching my gospel, two by two, in my name, lifting up your voices as with the sound of a trump, declaring my word like unto angels of God.
D&C 42:6

Monday, March 12, 2012

Hey Everyone,
This week had some good in it and some bad. I will start with the funny or fun stuff and go in to the not so fun. 
So the first thing I want to talk about is what I might get to do if I stay in plummer this next transfer. We teach this lady who trains horses and has attack dogs! I asked if I could get in a bite suit and get attacked. She said "yes if I can find a bite suit for you"!  So if she can find one I will be getting ripped up by a k9 police dog, and cant wait!  I will get it on video then send it if it happens.  
So we passed around a meal sign up list around church the other week and that was a very bad idea! We had people sign up that should not ever be aloud to cook for humans!  This one lady made us home made pizza and what I thought was grilled cheese. But the pizza was cold and not really cooked so it was just like dough and the grilled cheese was not cheese at all it was some type of apple cheery mix turn over which was cold and tasted like the apples were not to....fresh. So I don't think we will do that again but there is good places to eat. For some reason everyone is bringing us pizza with a rotisserie chicken I don't know if there is some type of sale going on or what but its kinda funny.
so now to the missionary work. we have three on dates
1. Kristien Kenniach
2. Isaiah Louie
3. This adopted Chinese girl. Her mom is a member so we can't really take too much credit for that one but we will anyways.
I just hope all of them stay on date. We had Branden fall of date because he is still smoking. He said he was 4 days clean without smoke but he was just lying to us.  He never did stop, so we might have to drop him for a little bit. We are starting to break in to the rez a little more. The Indians here don't really like Mormons but we got a rez kid to come to church. He is really cool, his grandma is a member and his name is Isaiah Cammble and he really likes church and stuff. We are trying to go get him to come out to young mens and other activities. We met a guy named Bill who use to be a meth addict and he is trying to clean up his life and get clean. He wants to come to church and he is going to AA and loves it. He sounds really cool but we just need to get him to church. Well that's all for me this week I will see you next week!
Love Elder Peterson

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