And ye shall go forth in the power of my spirit, preaching my gospel, two by two, in my name, lifting up your voices as with the sound of a trump, declaring my word like unto angels of God.
D&C 42:6

Monday, September 24, 2012

And God called the dry land Earth.... Gen 1:10

Hey Everyone,
 This week has been great! We have been working with some of our new investigators this week. We have a new investigator named Teana, she is a Indian lady who is like 5 foot nothing and as humble as can be! She is so happy every time she sees us! Her friend just died and her son has been in and out of the hospital, so she has been wondering about the plan of salvation. So next time we go out there we will be teaching that! She also has a son in-law that we met one time when we went over there and we are still trying to get a hold of him. He is really into the gospel!
     We have been covered in smoke the past 2 weeks from all of the fires going on in Washington. We have been trying to stay off the bikes and not breath it. It is harder than it sounds! We heard from this guy that they are saying that breathing this in for one day is more harmful to your lungs then if you were to live in LA for one year! 

Got to go!

Love you all!
Elder Peterson

Truth shall spring out of the earth; and righteousness shall look down from heaven. Ps. 85:11


This week was pretty good! We found two new people to teach, one from each ward. The one lives in Coulee Dams, his name is Nick but he goes by Tiger, and he is a very humble guy! He does not know a lot about Jesus Christ so he said he was going to start reading to Book of Mormon. He told us before we left that he was going to take it serious and it really means a lot to him that we would stop by and share this with him. It was a really cool experience! 
The guy in Omak we found is kinda the same way. He has been going though some tough stuff in his life. His house is starting to fall apart and he has pretty much no money to fix things so he has been trying to do it himself. He is doing a great job and I might add that place looks nice for a trailor. But we gave him a Book of Mormon and told him it would bring peace into his life and he could find joy form our savior and that we could come help him with service if he needed us. He was very impressed with us I think he wants to meet again before the end of this week so that's good! 

Thats whats been going on in my little life! I love you all and hope you are all happy...if you're not, read the Book of Mormon and get happy!

Love Elder Peterson

Monday, September 10, 2012

...that the soul of man should be restored to it's body, and that every part of the body should be restored to itself. Alma 41:2

Hey Everyone, 

This week I got transferred to Omak. Omak is a huge area. We have 2 very small wards with 3 or 4 investigators. My companion is Edler Hardesty from Saint George, Utah. He has been out 22 months and in this area for 5 months so I think I will be his last companion. Then take over the area so I will probably be here for awhile.
   We had a cool experience this week in Omak. Our investigator text us randomly and asked if we could have a lesson today from 5:30 to 6. So investigators just don't do that so we are freaking out that she is going to drop us. So we go to meet her at the church and we get there at 5:20, then she text us and pushes it back to 6. We are just hanging at the church when this guy in a safari hat and an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt walks by and sits down at the church in some shade. I said "lets go see what the crap this guy is doing", so we walk over. And at this point, he has taken his shirt all the way off. We walk over and he jumps up and puts his shirt back on and starts saying sorry and he didn't know this was a church. We told him it was ok and we are not getting him in to any trouble or anything. So then after a little small talk we started telling him about the church he was napping on and it turns out that he has a few LDS friends. He has never been inside one, so we invited him on a fast church tour. Because Katelyn our investigator was on the way. Right as we finished the tour she called us and said she is out side and she brought a friend. We had an awesome restoration lesson with three non members in front of the baptismal font in the church! It was crazy!! And I love it when crazy things happen!! 
We also went to Coulee Dam this week and there was a lightning storm and it caught the hill on fire all over the place! The town looked like a battle zone!!

Love you all Elder Peterson

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

...for whither thou goest, I wil go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: they people shall be my people, and thy God my God. Ruth 1:16

Hey Everyone,
 This week i'm getting trasferred to Omak, WA with Elder Hardesty. He is going home soon so I will be there a while I think. I am going to miss Lewison I love it here!! And I will miss Elder Wendt. 
Funny story about Elder Wendt, he crashed on his bike hahahahah it was so funny! He went off a jump and he made it over the first part of the jump and then his tire got stuck on the dirt and he went over the handle bars and slid face first on the dirt! haha Then some guy walks out of his house and he says "I have seen 7 year olds ride over that with out crashing, now go put your training wheels on and learn how to ride a bike!" Then he walks back inside! He didn't even ask if he was ok are anything. I was laughing so hard!!! 

We also got 23 lessons again this week it was a really successful week! 

I love you all and I will let you know how Omak is! I hope it is great :)
Love Elder Peterson